Allegro Quick Reference

Public domain. Version 2005-12-17.

Translated to Japanese by Ohsawa Hirotaka.
  1. General
  2. Graphics
  3. Bitmap Commands
  4. Video Modes
  5. Double-Buffering
  6. Colors
  7. Timers
  8. Text Output
  9. Keyboard Input
  10. Mouse Input
  11. Sound Output
  12. Collision Detection
  13. Translucency
  14. Angles and Math
  15. Examples
  16. Technical Information

1. General:
2. Graphics:

3. Bitmap Commands:

4. Video Modes:

5. Double Buffering:
6. Colors:

7. Timers:

8. Text Output:

9. Keyboard Input:

10. Mouse Input:

11. Sound Output:

12. Collision Detection:

13. Translucency:

14. Angles and Math:
15. Examples:
16. Technical Information: